Thursday 28 November 2013

African rhythms!

This week in Magic of Music we were concentrating on a rhythm from Ghana. first we all clapped then three different rhythms, then the class were split into three groups, each group taking a different rhythm to clap. Finally we used some percussion instruments to create the African rhythm. It was brilliant! Catherine even gave us grass skirts to dress us up in more suitable clothing for our performance.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Magical Maths!

Yesterday the big girls from Colaiste Bride came to our class. They helped us to use our maths eyes. We put up posters around the school to help the other classes to find their maths eyes. We had a big discussion about where in the village we could exercise our maths eyes. When we next meet up we will begin to take photographs of all the interesting maths we find.

You should try to use your maths at home too. There is maths all around us, you just need to look!

Splashing About!

Our swimming lessons have begun. For the past few weeks we have been going to the Clondalkin  Leisure Centre on a Monday to have swimming lessons. First class are going too. Hail, rain or shine we walk to the pool on  Monday morning! we have been very lucky that so far it has not been wet. We are divided into three groups to improve our swimming. We have three more weeks left before the Christmas holidays. It is so much fun. Monday is now the best day of the week!!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

The Magic of Music

Today we had our first Magic of Music lesson with Catherine. It was so much fun. We played a rhythm game, clapped, danced, sang and used some percussion instruments to learn about the different notes - Granny semibreve, Mr Minim, Mrs Crotchet and Little Miss Quaver.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Maths Eyes

Our class have started a project with the Transition year girls from Colaiste Bride called Maths Eyes. We will be looking at different things in Clondalkin village through our maths eyes and taking photographs to show the maths that is around us every day. We are very excited to be doing this with the TY girls.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Class Photo

Today every class got a photograph taken for the school calender. A lovely man named Tommy arranged us into three rows, two standing and one sitting. We took several photos. He made us laugh!! Thanks Tommy!!