Thursday 24 October 2013

Fantastic Fashion!!

This morning we had our School Fashion Show. All accessories had to be made using recycled materials. We worked very hard to make accessories for today's show. But the hard work really paid off!!!!

We made a variety of hats, bags, purses, bracelets, necklaces, hairbands, glasses, rings, suitcases, legwarmers, mittens and ties. 

We walked down the catwalk and modeled our accessories in groups of 5. 

These are our groups. 

This group had 6 people! 

We used plastic bottles, cereal boxes, foam, old clothes, tin foil, tissue boxes, milk bottles, egg cartons, paper plates, magazines, newspaper, wrapping paper, old belts, hairbands, wool, cotton wool and lots more recyclable materials. We found all these materials at home, in the attic, in the green bin and in our classroom recycle bin. 

A small selection of what we made: 

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Fun Friday Walk!

On Friday the 11th of October we had our annual school walk to Corkagh Park. We partnered up and set off on our walk at 9:30. Mr Hennessy with first class led the walk. He brought us on a long long walk through the park before heading to the playground for some fun!

Along the walk we saw a lake with some ducks and swans.

We walked for an hour and a half through the park. We were very happy to get to the playground!


During our first month back at school we have been busy drawing! We drew self portraits and we think they turned out well!
First we examined our faces in a mirror or a recent photograph. It is important to look at the shape of your head.We asked ourselves some questions to help us –  Is your chin as wide as your forehead? How far apart are your eyes? Do you have a long/short/wide/narrow nose? What shape is your mouth? Do you have a fringe? Are your ears visible with your hairstyle?Once we had finished drawing we coloured in our self portraits using pastels. These can be tricky to use because they can smudge easily. We used our fingers to blend the colours. When our self portraits were finished we sprayed them with hairspray to stop the colour from smudging or fading.
We are very proud of our drawings, take a look and see!
self portraits